Backlinks to FamFamFamFlagIcons in System Web (Search all webs)

Results from System web retrieved at 20:19 (GMT)

FamFamFamContrib Usage The icons are attached to the FamFamFamFlagIcons FamFamFamMiniIcons FamFamFamMintIcons FamFamFamSilkIcons FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons...
FamFamFamFoswikiExtras So far built by Foswiki:Main.SvenDowideit based on the Silk ones above, except for 1 the XML icon which comes from
FamFamFamMiniIcons "Mini" is a set of 144 GIF icons available for free use for any purpose. Source These Icons come from
FamFamFamMintIcons "Mint" icons are a small set of tiny PNG web icons, loosely based on Shaun Inman's Mint statistics software. Released on the same day as the p...
FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky smooth 16x16 true colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons. Damien Guard's se...
FamFamFamSilkCompanion2Icons Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky smooth 16x16 true colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons. GeoSilk icon set...
FamFamFamSilkGeoSilkIcons Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky smooth 16x16 true colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons. GeoSilk icon set by...
FamFamFamSilkIcons Silk is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 700 16 by 16 pixel icons in strokably soft PNG format. Containing a large variety of icons, y...
JQICON render an image Renders an icon image as found on an icon search path. The icon search path is configured Extensions tab, JQueryPlugin sub tab in {JQueryP...
Number of topics: 9
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